Payday loans are not allowed in Georgia; however, speedy financial help is still available through SameDayPayday, with the aim of making life more comfortable for you financially. A payday loan can be just what you need to pay for emergency car repairs or other unexpected expenses that otherwise would have to wait until your next payday, and thereby cause you significant inconvenience. - Compare payday loans bad credit Payday Loans With Bad Credit No Credit Check I keep getting turned down for a payday loan is there any where i can go to get a payday loan today? - Fast ways to make big cash Personal Loans For Bad Credit No Payday Loans To qualify for a payday loan, you must have been employed with your current employer for a certain period of time, usually at least three months. This requirement is not universal, but many lenders will not approve payday loans for new employees. - Best la ca cash advance Most lenders use a data verification service to identify applicants with multiple outstanding cash advances, and to confirm that the banking information provided by the applicant. If you have had returned checks in the recent past, especially to a payday lender, this information will come to light and will prevent you from getting a payday loan.